Using Video Visuals as part of the Worship Experience?

I am wanting to try to use the medium of multi-media visuals more as part of the Worship Experience in our sunday services at KCW. I understand that the whole of the service is 'worship', this includes the Bible readings, testimonies, songs, music, the preaching and even the coffee break afterwards!

However, I think that at KCW, we can explore and make more effective use of the powerful medium of multi-media. I do want to be careful of using multi-media for its own sake, and stick to only using it when it will further enhance or add to the service as a whole.
On Sunday, the theme of the sermon is 'The Disciples of Jesus' so I wan the songs I choose to feed into, or perhaps develop or punctuate the message. So I have decided to . . . .

use a short video that I have found on to help introduce the theme and get people thinking about how we too can be disciples of Jesus. Watch it here

I then hope to start sining the song 'When I Survey (The Wonderful Cross)' - Chris Tomlin's Remix of the old hymn by Isaac Watts.

This song, although mainly about Jesus's sacrifice, contains some fabulous lyrics that talk about our response - to follow him, to be a disciple! For example:

"Bids me come and die, and find that I may truly live" and "love so amazing so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all" fits with the discipleship theme well.

What do you think about using mulit-media visuals and videos as part of a Sunday service? Have you had any successes or do you have words of warning? Please join the discussion and leave your comments below.


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