Our Father - song story

'Our Father' is one of those songs that did not take me very long to write. Usually the songwriting processs takes many months, even years before the song is complete. However, this song was one of those pleasing exceptions.

It all started with a comment my mother made on the way back from church one Sunday. We attend a lively, charismatic, evangelical church and her comment was: 'I wish we said The Lord's Prayer at church more often, it is such a good prayer'. And that was all the inspiration I needed. In response to this seemingly throw-away comment I set to work, writing a song that would fit comfortably within a modern worship set, yet still contained the words and impact of one of the most famous prayers from The Bible.

I am aware that the prayer has been covered and re-imagined in song-form many times over. However, I hope you will agree that this version fits well within the modern worship music genre. The whole point being that evangelical churches can still include The Lord's Prayer as part of their worship services, but in a way more in keeping with their style of worship.

I have also tried to help the words of the prayer sit comfortably with our modern language, without altering the meaning.

I would love to know what you think of it - if you have used it at yoru church - how well it went?
Free chord chart is available from www.mattmcchlery.com/songs.php  

Our Father

Our Father, in heaven
Holy is Your Name
Your kingdom come, Your will be done
On Earth, as it is in heaven
As it is in heaven

Give us this day, our daily bread
Forgive our sins
As we forgive, those who sin
Against us

Lead us not into temptation
Deliver us, deliver us from evil

For Yours is the kingdom
The power and the glory
And ever

Written by Matt McChlery
Copyright (c) 2010 Faithseed Music. Admin by Song Solutions Copycare


  1. I think everyone will like to sing to this one Matt,goes straight in the charts at no3!


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