Sunday Setlist - 21 October 2012

This week’s service went very well in my opinion. I had not been briefed as to the content of the sermon beforehand. I just love it when the Holy Spirit is clearly at work and weaves everyone’s story together during the course of the service.  Even the songs and the order in which they were sung fitted perfectly with the various testimonies and contributions people had brought. We learnt a new song ‘Our God’ (Water You Turned Into Wine) which we declared prophetically over our church situation with uncertainties over council’s decisions as to the community centre we use for our meetings, as well as over people’s individual lives, one who has just been diagnosed with cancer, for example; ‘Our God is healer, awesome in power’; ‘And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us’.

This then lead into the sermon which was about changes that are going to be happening with the church. The church leaders are wanting to create the space and opportunity for people to grow in their ministry and gifting – shifting our thinking away from ‘Oh the Pastor / Preacher is the only person who had God’s power for the hour!’ to the thinking that ‘God has called us all to be ministers, so how can I function and use my gifts and talents to serve?’. We are all in this together. This challenge to re-think our definitions of what church is a big one and one that will inevitably require action and change. If you are interested in joining the discussion about it, head over to my church’s blog that is discussing that very thing. [link]

So what did we sing then? Here’s the list . . .

The Setlist:

1.      Great is your faithfulness (Unchanging) – Chris Tomlin [Passion]

2.      Water You Turned Into Wine (Our God) – Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin et. al

3.      Still – Reuben Morgan [Hillsong]

4.      Here I am Once Again – Craig Musseau

5.      Who Is There Like You – Stuart Townend

6.      Forever – Chris Tomlin


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