What is Success?

I often contemplate what it means to be 'successful' (check out some of my previous blogs on the topic). I am becoming more convinced that a Christian perspective of success is very different to our cultures idea of what it means.

Success is not about making it to the top. This sets up 99% of people for failure as there is not enough space for everyone at the top. Not everyone is blessed with extreme intellect or Olympic athleticism. Often the journey to be a 'success' involves backstabbing, being ruthlessly competitive and trampling over others in order to 'be the best'.

There is nothing wrong with having dreams, goals or aspirations. But have you ever stopped to ask God what His dreams are for your life? What is the purpose He has created you for? Once you know that, your journey towards it will be full of grace and compassion for others.

It saddens me to see so many churches adopting the world's criteria of 'success'. How many people go to your church? - more come to mine! How many salvations did you get last month? - we had more! Our church is wealthier than yours! Our pastor has a higher profile than yours!

Is this what The Kingdom looks like? If so, it is ugly! Do not lose focus on the main mission of The Church. What has God called you to do in your community, in the world? Focus on that and do not become side tracked by worldly definitions of success.

This poem, although not overtly Christian, helps to put things into perspective for me:

What Is Success?

(by Ralph Waldo Emerson)

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and to endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child, a garden patch,
or a redeemed social condition;
to know that even one life had breathed easier
because you lived -
this is to have succeeded.


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