Hairy McChlery?

It has finally happened! My hair has begun to fall out - not in the way I expected it to - in clumps and from different sections. Not all together and not all at once.

The Big Shave

It began gradually with a few wisps coming adrift in the shower just over a week ago. As the days went on however, the skin on my scalp started to feel tingly and quite sensitive in places and hairs in certain areas became hard and brittle. I would wake up with hair covering my pillowcase; hair falling out in clumps into my breakfast cereal.

After showering and drying my head, the towel would be so covered in hair I could not use it to dry the rest of my body! It was very annoying!

So the decision was made to shave it off. Less hair falling around and causing problems. So I took the plunge and together as a family we shaved it off.

It is rather a lot colder than I imagined. My brain quite often translates 'cold scalp' as me having 'wet hair' so I seem to constantly checking that I haven't wet the back of the sofa or my hat! I haven't yet tried to use shampoo in a half-asleep state only to find no hair to wash - but I'm sure it will happen sooner or later!

As some may know, I am quite a hairy man and at present hair in all other locations appears to be remaining intact. My consultant said that by the end of my third cycle I would be completely bald - although he did not specify if this would just be on my head or my entire body! I will just have to wait and see.

Even in this detail - God is intimately involved. [Click to Tweet]

Taken from a bit in the Bible where Jesus is teaching us not to worry, He says that God is so intimately involved in each of our lives that he even knows the number of hairs on your head. And even the lack of hairs in my case!

Matthew 10:28-31

28 “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. 30 And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.

Each one of us has value to God. [Click to Tweet]

He desires to care for you - but will not force the issue. You need to ask for His help - and He will help you.

I know that I am asking.

Other Side Effects

Some other side effects that have recently developed include a more persistent nausea (although no vomiting). There is also a strange stuffy smell in the house at the moment which seems to aggravate it.

Shortly after the chemo blast and lasting about a week or so, I struggle to find words - especially when I am a bit weary or not feeling too great. I can't think of certain words to complete sentences or have to describe something to someone else for them to help me to find the word I am looking for. I have found this improves through the cycle - it is always at its worst straight after the chemo.

I have also had a metallic taste on the roof of my mouth that comes and goes. I think it has something to do with the steroids I have to continue taking for 5 days after the chemo - but maybe not. This is starting to effect my tastes in as far as my stomach is turning at the thought of eating anything too sickly-sweet (which is rather sad).

Anyway - That is about all for this update.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Hi Matt, you will find that your eye lashes will fall out too. Wearing glasses is an advantage here, get yourself some eye drops in advance, you will find a lot of dust getting into your eyes. Your positivity is such an inspiration. Praying for you. Take care, Leonie Wilde


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