Living in a Box?

When I started writing this blog some years ago, focusing on worship and leadership in the church I had no idea that I would one day be writing about my experiences with cancer. In some ways I have gone against one of the unwritten 'rules' of blogging in that I have not stuck rigidly to one core subject. However, My blog is about life. Life is complicated and a bit messy and often you have more than one 'hat' that you wear. I so happen to wear the hat of a worship leader and one of cancer sufferer/survivor. I wanted to share my experiences with cancer and reflect how my faith has played an important role  - even in this aspect of my life.

Part of my leadership blogs looked at living with honesty, integrity and openness. So when dealing with some of the more painful and unpleasant aspects of life, it would be hypocritical of me to hide them away. Instead I felt I needed to live what I preach! Hence blog posts about faith and cancer began to appear alongside posts about leadership and worship songs.

So much of life is compartmentalised and we are often unwittingly forced to follow the mould of society and try to separate our own lives out into neat, self-contained boxes. I have my work life; my social life; my love life; my spiritual life. How often are we told not to mix them up? Oh, don't talk about your spiritual life at work! Keep your social life separate from your work life. etc etc.

Now sometimes it is wise to keep social life away from work life, if your social life is something you are not proud of! However, we should be living in such a way that all of our life - work, social, emotional and spiritual are good, honest and transparent. Life is not meant to be lived in a series of separate boxes. Open the boxes up - lift the flap of life. Let your worlds collide. It may look a bit messy, but you will be freeing yourself from a lot of pain and stress.

You are more than the box you think you should live in. Life is for living - so live it free!


  1. Thank you Matt for sharing..

  2. Thanks for this Matt. Life should noi be compartmentalised.


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