BBC Breakfast's #alightoncancer

All this week BBC Breakfast is running a series of programmes called #alightoncancer. It promises to be full of information, advice and updates on the latest research into the very complex disease.

As a cancer sufferer myself it has certainly captured my attention.

I will be updating this post as the week goes on - so please do check back to see what I learned each day.

Here is a video clip where they answer the question: 'What is cancer?' I hope you find it helpful and informative.

Let me know what you think about the week-long series in the comments section below. It will be good to get a discussion going.

Men and Cancer

On Tuesday the focus was on men and Cancer, how men tend to deal with the problem, or not! Men are statistically less likely to go to the GP if something is not right. In fact I would have waited longer if it wasn't for my wife who insisted I go. If you suspect something is a miss, or yuhave found an unexplained lump - GO TO YOUR GP.

There was a very moving piece by two BBC presenters, Steve Howlett and Nick Robinson who are both cancer sufferers (one historical, one present tense). They were highlighting the importance of talking about cancer. I have certainly found this helpful.

Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that men deal with exclusively. Here is a helpful video about it:


  1. Its a great series - tomorrow will be looking at teenage cancer patients which is particularly interesting to me as I work for Teenage Cancer Trust raising money so that they can get age appropriate cancer care. Great that a spot light is being given to different cancer issues.

    1. Thanks Rachel. Yes. Even though I have one type of cancer I am learning a lot about other types. Well done BBC!


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